Thank you everyone for your responses,sorry I havent written back in a while. I have considered going to a counsler, but i'm still in college and im poor

. I don't know how much of a benefit a counsler would be considering I already know what drives me crazy. I don't do drugs, btw. The only thing that has helped me clear my mind is working out. I usually spend about 2 and a half hours lifting weights or using the body bag everyday, just to get anger out and clear my mind. Afterwards, I usually feel fine. On top of that I have a lot of people trying to convince me to use steroids so that I can get up to 300 lbs quicker. But I have heard the whole "rage roids" issue involved in that, and that is the only thing that is scaring me. It's really weird, just the other day I met a nice girl, we talked for a few hours and I went home. The next day I found myself trying to drive by her apartment just to see who was at her house. I've only talked to her once! lol and no im not a stalker. That night I drove myself insane all over the same thing, I think I might look into some sort of medication, I really don't know whats wrong with me. Thanks, again. I will come back with some updates soon.