Originally Posted by paulinapolk
Thank you, both of you. I have and she does, but infrequently. I hate it too. I work two jobs and go to school, and still come home, pick up, do dishes on my days off, laundry, etc.
She has severe Bipolar disorder, so I can understand, but she doesnt grasp the concept of having to force yourself to do things, or else youll just sink further down in your depression (think about this, Im such a hypocrite. I should take my own advice. Easier said than done).
One, is she on meds? Two, is she seeking treatment for the bipolar disorder? It's so hard living with someone with bipolar, but it's harder still if they're not interested in getting better.
Lastly, how have you asked her to help out? If it's just a general "do more around the house" request, chances are she can't quite pick a starting place and it feels overwhelming. If you give her specific things to do - like on Tuesdays you have to have the dishes done by 8:30 or something like that - it makes it a lot easier than having to motivate herself AND plan things. Structure can help a lot.