Originally Posted by tecoyah
Deny your family your presence, in favor of hers. When they invite you somewhere simply state, I'm sorry but I am going to spend time with____,and since none of you like her,I will save you from having to see her.
Mmm....I gotta disagree with this one. It's kind of passive-aggressive, and it solves the symptom but not the underlying cause.
I second the question above: do your mom/grandmother have specific complaints about this girl? Are they justified?
If no, then are they just overly possessive of you and NOBODY will be good enough for you? Are they afraid you're getting too committed too young, and this is the only way they know how to express their concern?
I think it would be better to address your family's concerns as far as possible. Sometimes just being heard makes it go away. If they're nuts, they're nuts, and there's not much you can do about it but keep your distance as tecoyah suggests. But if you can actually find out what their concerns are, you can maybe keep both relationships working. It would suck to alienate your family and then have to crawl back if the relationship didn't work out.