I think, which is a related point, that the increasing penetration of violent pornography and those who fetishize violence as sexuality (S&M and so on) into the mainstream is a very dangerous thing.
I am happy to believe that some people may be perfectly able to tie each other up and spank each other's backsides and so on in a way that it is titilating to them without being emotionally or physically damaging (although I would guess it is emotionally damaging in many cases if it isnt in all)
But at the same time, the spread of pornography that is based upon violence, force and cruelty cannot but be a grave danger to society, cannot help but ferment dark thoughts in some individuals who have the possibility for darkness in their make up or their up-bringing. For sites that basically portray fantasies of rape and extreme torture... they are surely pouring petrol on a fire in many disturbed minds. (and of course, some people may "enjoy" such things without ever being likely to carry them out - but the damage it would do is the same, even if it is slight - each day it must make dark things seem, if not more possible for them, more acceptable in the world and their mind.)
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas