Nice quote Crompsin.
Just remember that you should take all the bad shit that happens to you and let it strengthen you so you can turn around and be so much cooler for it instead of more fucked up for it, because if you don't you might end up just destroying yourself before you even get along down the road.
That's my favourite bit.
Maybe I'm idealistic or naive or just plain stupid but I hate the idea that there might be people out there that are stuck in that "hurt them before they hurt me" mentality. Some part of me just rebels at it, finds it almost impossible to believe that there are people out there that actually want to hurt another person. Even though I know they exist.
Yes this outlook has gotten me hurt, more then once to be honest - I just keep hoping from the best in everyone I meet though. I think if I didn't it would crush me.
Sorry if that doesn't make much sense - kinda sleepy so yeah, will go to bed soon and regain some coherency.