Actually I don't find Brad Pitt at all attractive. Maybe I'm a little odd that way but it's just working on plain physical responses, like I said that was about me and my history and personal preferences not overly about the study. I guess I tend to stereotype toned / muscly guys as less then interested in the same things I am, not overly fair to them really.
I did point out that that section of the post was directed towards my own personal preferences, the majority of women would probably disagree with me and they have every right to. As for your comment about lying, I really don't see the point in lying to a group of what are thus far faceless people on a forum site. I kinda resent the implication that if someone disagrees with what YOU find attractive they must be lying though.
Your post does not address the fact they they selected a very small and controlled group of both men and women for this study however. If they had selected say 500 from different age, cultural, religious, social and educational backgrounds and the same results had come back then I would be far more open to the results.
Fact of the matter is each society has a different opinion on what is physically attractive - look at paintings and sculptures from different periods in history, you very rarely see the nymph like women that are held up as beautiful in todays media in a Romantic era painting and statuesque women used to be the ideal. Even today different places in the world find different features attractive, many men from western cultures find Asian women attractive yet one Asian country has a 45% plastic surgery rate for women wanting to look more western.
The thing I object to in this study isn't that it doesn't agree with me and my personal preferences but that they are saying it's scientific when they have not taken into account the influence of the society these people are living in and how this effects what they consider physically attractive.
"I want to be remembered as the girl who always smiles even when her heart is broken... and the one that could brighten up your day even if she couldnt brighten her own"
"Her emotions were clear waters. You could see the scarring and pockmarks at the bottom of the pool, but it was just a part of her landscape – the consequences of others’ actions in which she claimed no part."