Originally Posted by abaya
Right, I'm with you there. Which is why I don't really think "urine/scat" should be lumped together, because personally I'd be alright with urine, but not with scat... and I can't imagine that you and I are the only people who feel that way. Unless, of course, shit is a by-product of anal, and then it's tolerable (which somehow makes it different than being a fetish).
Yes, there's definitely a distinction between dealing with shit and wanting to deal with shit.
I don't understand the fetish, but I think I do understand the compelling nature of fetish therefore, eh, to each his own.
Funny, all this stuff comes out of the same regions as our sexual organs, and yet we have such different, visceral reactions to it. Shit, piss, blood, semen, vaginal fluid, female ejaculate... there are only 2-3 holes down there (depending on your sex), so it all has to come out somewhere! So what is it that makes some things sexual, and other things disgusting? E.g. I don't have a problem having sex on my period, but I could never deal with it as a "fetish" type behavior (e.g. getting turned on by blood).
Well, I think in the case of sexual fluids...that's what they are for and they are ubitquitous in the act of sex, therefore we don't usually think of them as objectionable (and very often find them to be a turn-on.) At least not to the extent that we do blood and waste. I'm sure it's probably biological.
Missed this addition earlier... but yeah, I agree. Some people are drawn to taboos. Me, not so much (damn my goody-two-shoe-ness), but I can understand where others are coming from and appreciate that. Being on TFP, as well as checking out porn, I understand that the range of sexual preference/attraction is almost inexplicable, and inexhaustible. As long as it doesn't hurt anyone, and both parties are mutually consenting and of age, have fun!!
I'm sure this is true in the case of bizarre
turn-ons and curiosities, rather than real fetishes...And there is a quite a significance between the two. A significance that, I think, is really more relevant to the question in the OP. I'll wager that a large segment of the traffic visiting the web sites Push-Pull is referring to are casual devotees, thrillseekers and the curious. Now is this watering down what we think of as "taboo"? I don't know, I don't think so. I think the vast majority of people will always believe that certain "extreme" practices are too "out there" for them ever to be considered normal.
Originally Posted by ratbastid
To nudge us back toward the OP, the other thing about fetishes is their transgressive nature. That transgression alone is attractive to some (all?) people.
Fetishes, in my mind, do not come from a need to be different or to dabble in that which is taboo. I believe it's a much more personal psychological quirk than that and it's evident in the concentrated focus most fetishists have for their fetish. If they were just wanting to do things that are "forbidden" they might engage in a much wider range of fetishistic behaviors. No, I think the transgressive thrill is much more likely to be found in the curiousity seekers than the people who have fetishes.