Hi, I'm a new user here. I have really enjoyed reading a lot of the responses on the boards at tfp, so I thought I would post a problem I have run into,hoping for some insight on where to go.
Anyways, here is the problem. My last serious relationship ended almost a year ago, I have had the same problems as everyone else, trying to cope without seeing someone you love everyday. The relationship was getting rocky towards the end, she started to smoke weed again and we both didn't feel the same for one another. I blame the drugs but she blames me for being to "controlling". One of the things that eats away at me with any woman I have found out is jealousy. I'm a very jealous person when it comes to woman and I hate it. Whenever my ex was going out somewhere , even to class or work I would always be worried about who she would meet. I would even feel this when we would go to a club/party and she was in the same room with me.
.....1 year later...
If I start talking to a woman and she intrests me then I start to become jealous as soon as she leaves. EVEN if I have only held a 10 minute conversation with her. I have no reason for this at all and maybe someone can help me. I'm 22, still going to college, playing college basketball, consider myself handsome but for some reason this is tearing me apart and I don't know how to handle it. Thanks for reading.