Some afternoon DJ's were tackling this exact same debate the other day, I'll summerize...
This girl was going out with a dude, and shortly after they started dating, the dude's mom invited her over to the house while the dude is away. This is without the guy's knowledge. The mom flat out says "You are not good enough to marry my son, if you make the mistake of getting married, it won't last a year."
After one year, the girl writes a note to mom-in-law. "I guess you were wrong."
Every year since then mom-in law has sent a note to the girl "Well, you got lucky another year." They've been married 10 years.
I guess the point is, sometimes there is nothing you can do. All the who's right / who's wrong doesn't amount to anything. I don't think the hostile or passive aggressive thing will ever do anything except piss all parties off to the point of never accepting it. I like Will's 3rd option, kill em with kindness.
If you have any poo... fling it NOW!