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Old 07-05-2007, 08:54 AM   #22 (permalink)
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Location: In this flesh and bone thing
incredibly unnecessarily long and tedious reading if you will..

*Bumping up my own thread. I'll apologxe in advance however..

Well, I'm not going to be posting another thread devoted to it. And I see it as a conclusion or result to all the input here.But I also reckon the best part of that is not telling everyone but making sure they know by sort of being a quiet authority on the subject in the outside world.. If I hadn't posed my question here, I'd likely not be thinking that alot of people may say the first time is largely overrated ( I can totally understand this from a girl's point of view now) but when your feeling this good about yourself, you've got to be thinking theY're dead wrong. It was brilliant, not me, myself.. but just the fact that I've finally gotten mine. Selfish that. i also had the best night's sleep that I've had in a long time last night.

All the advice, lists, pointers, tips and experences that everyone contributed here to a question I couldn't have taken to anyone else, I'm completely appreciating that as I'd have likely plowed into something I know relatively nothing about, and with way too high expectations, (there was a brief fireworks moment on my part though) not to mention being less sensitive to her needs and expectations.we talked alot before hand thanks to my collected knowlede . So again thanks for clearing things up and enlighting me on a pretty major step for me.

Bear with don't need to read all this by any means..I just need to get it out somehow, without splagging about it in the locker room at soccer practice.

Not to say I hadn't been badly on edge since yesterday. As it has been adviced in the above, I had taken the matter to hand twice before meeting her that morning until I was worrying that there'd be nothing left to perform on. Good rebound theory in that though. Bonus..Her parents were away for the day, all day and far away, so we had time and less fears/terror of being walked in on. That in itself would be a one way ticket back home for me. Still the initial atmosphere was very awkward, so it was, like we just met. When we eventually made the move to her room it got alot better. Again taking to mind and following the advice of taking time on foreplay. I just didn't want to be taking things a step faster than she was ready or myself. I was getting pretty anxious on performance. I'm not up on the workings of the female anatomy southward so it was having her help me out in what she wanted. This was brilliant.Which led to stepping things up. I had to stave off a loss of major control to bring myself to a tolerable level just to get the frigging condom on. It was almost game over right there.

This part is daft.
I wasn't sure of my aim, like a dippit, I couldn't figure it out, so she took the initiative there, felt pretty amateurish on my part with a fair bitof fumblilng about. I was minding that I was going to be hurting her alot and there was a moment when I lost any chance of starting, in what Loquitur stated above. When she tensed up it hurt me to stopping and yet I had to continue dead carefully. I felt badly and apologized between tentative shaky thrustings wll not really like that, and asking if we should stop. Though at this point my body and mind seemed to have suffered a serious disconnection. In reality it was really hard to have to stop, but three times we regrouped and tried again. This part I'll skip over, you will be thankful for that. Because I thought impenetrable might come into the equation here..until it did give way, I can't describe this part.. she was in alot of pain I tried and she woueln't let me stop.. but I couldn't have put a stop on myself anyway. at the same time.

Absolutely no rythm or pace could be reached.

It felt really good for about ten seconds.

Which was actually a good thing for her and not so bad for myself, it actually did hurt for me, quite abit. And there after..

It was nothing like I'd ever expereinced in all my right handed ways.

But we did it!\o/

A sense of humour helps, we tried a second time but it was too painful for her. She did bleed quite abit as well.

She though she had hurt me at my moment.

So..Sorry if you're still reading this..I commend you for that..Its off my chest now as for as making this public.. I just want to see her again. We talked this morning and she's still bleeding though, Im worried now that I might have done some damage besides on her hymen..If she keeps bleeding today I want her to go to the clinic or something. She won't go though.I feel badly and worried on this.

I hope the next time her pleasure in it will be as good as mine. Nothing compares to it. I feel like Im on a new level in life here. Now the mystery of its over, but I know its going to be an important part of my life for now. That and I know its going to be taking us to more intimate and closer level in our relationship. I hope she will have good memories of this ten years from now.

woohoo a rite of passage well met!

Can't seem to stop thanking you guys.

Last edited by medlar; 07-05-2007 at 08:57 AM..
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