Umm.... I have been to quite a few strip clubs with my ex-bf... not current, though.
The first time we went I was a bit nervous but he made me feel like i was a million bucks, and that this was purely for fun (as it was his best buds bday)... So we went...i was one of the only chicks not dancing on stage, in the club... and of course that brought attention to our table/area...cause all the other guys in the club were amazed that whoever these guys were would bring a chick with them!! I dressed hot, and have particularly large some of the guys in the club were looking at me!! Not even paying attention to whomever was on stage!
One of my ex's friends decided he wanted to buy ME a dance!! So...i was game. I thought, what the hell...not a big deal... As soon as everyone in the club saw me sit down on the couch for the dance... every chair turned my direction, every face/pair of eyeballs watching...cause duh - two girls practically feeling up on one another is hot apparently. so...
Got my dance. Got over it...actually it was quite hard not to touch her... I'm not a lesbian and in no way am i bi-curious... But itwas just the sexual tension of it all and watching boobs be put in my face. Made me horny!
That was our first time..... the second time i took my ex out with a close group of our friends for HIS bday...same club. This time it was three guys, three girls incl. myself in our group. The other two ladies were nervous as all hell...and didn't really ever get comfortable. That night, I think I spent about $100 getting MY BF - at the time - about 4 lap dances. I sat there and watched as some other chick.... who was hotter than me, i'll admit... (hey, they're strippers!) dancing on my bf ten feet away from me. I was actually not bothered by it at all!! Suprisingly, I was completely comfortable.
In a nutshell that'd be our second time.... OH...and he even let me choose the girls on alll his dances. HAHA!! That was fun.
I guess it just really depends on how secure you are in your relationship/marriage. From what you said it seems like you'd be fine going with him and perhaps even watching him get a dance, or receive one yourself!!! You never know until you try. The best part about the club though....was it got him...well really, it got us both all worked up.... and when we got home at the end of the night - it was like, Crazy Sex Fest 2006..... it was fabulous.
NOW... with my current bf...i know i definitely could not go with him...idk for some reason I cannot picture feeling comfortable with him getting a dance. I hope my personal experience story helped. Any more questions...let me know!
My life has no purpose, no direction, no aim, no meaning, and yet I'm happy. I can't figure it out. What am i doing right?
-Charles M. Schulz