Porn is great! I find myself looking at a lot of porn lately, due to my husband being stationed overseas the the obvious lack of sex that goes along with deployment. It doesn't mean that I don't love him, or that I don't want to be with him, or that I don't find him sexually attractive (I do, holy SHIT I do!). It just means that I'm horny and I want to get off. I have some videos and picture of him that I often use, too
This is a generalization, but
most males have a markedly higher sex drive than
most women. They think about it ALL THE TIME. When you shot your bf down for the horizontal mambo, what did you think he was going to do? Go out and make you breakfast in bed? Ha! Maybe AFTER getting off! If I caught my hubby masturbating I'd probably get involved, or at least provide some visual stimulation of my own to assist him if I wasn't "in the mood" myself.
My point is, the fact that he's looking at porn likely has NOTHING to do with not desiring/loving you. He just wants to get off 'cause it feels fucking good. What's wrong with that? If it's really bugging you, talk to him about it. Maybe make some porn of your own for him to "use" at a later date