Originally Posted by xepherys
abaya, do you mean sexuality in general or infidelity? I mean, I get drunk, but it doesn't mean I go around sleeping with everyone I meet. *shrug* In fact, I don't think I've ever shagged someone I met while drunk. And I'm not introverted or a prude by any means.
Well, I mean both sexuality in general and infidelity... people sleep around a lot here, and cheating is something that goes along with being drunk and sleeping around (with people who are not your SO). Not saying that if you are Icelandic, and if you are in a relationship, you must therefore cheat on your SO if you get drunk... but, I do think it happens more here than in the US, and people don't make as big of a deal about it (in the movies or conversations).
But I could be talking out of my anthropological ass, as usual.