War: Sorry to hear about the terrible cause of the loss of Aubrey. Batfish are one of my fav fish...then again...there isn't many that I don't like with exception of most African cichlids.
Having a trustworthy and honest contact in the marine hobby is important, especially today, with the amount of poor quality equipment on the shelves. It's become a buyer beware market, unfortunately. This hobby is expensive enough w/o having to buy a piece of equipment a few times over due to failure.
Logan: When a fish starts darting around like that, there is definitely some sort of reaction to some sort of toxin, usually nitrite as fish can be photosensitive. Was there a filter in the set-up or was it in a "stagnant" set-up? My last SFF lived 5 years in a 5 gal, no filter but had lots of plants. I've never done any water changes as everything tested spot on and I just topped up w/distilled water and added some fertilizer.