Originally Posted by elaphe
warrreagl, was the Asfur a royal blue fish with a yellow tail and yellow crescent on the side? Did you have Auburey long enough to see the juv colour change to the adult? No matter what, having success with any large angel in captivity deserves a pat on the back.
Yes, we had Aubrey 4 years and long enough to watch him fully mature. He was absolutely spectacular. He unfortunately died when our local municipality increased the amount of chlorine in the tap water by tenfold in an unannounced effort to rid itself of a bovine feces bacterial problem. By the time I noticed the spike it was too late to make adjustments. I even took his body to our local university fisheries department for toxicology and they confirmed it.
Our other showpiece was a gigormous batfish (named Leo, of course, after
The Groove Tube) whose bottom fin eventually dragged the bottom while his top fin broke the surface (55-gal tank). He got so big we had to donate him to a nearby hospital for their tanks.
Grancey and I had an unrealized talent at saltwater tanks and we were gifted at what we did, but I've never had the drive to get back into it again. Losing Aubrey and Leo pretty much did us in, I think. Plus the main fish guy who got us started on it closed his shop to become a full-time fireman and we didn't trust anybody else locally.