You've got your finger on exactly where people are messed up about love.
Some of you know, I lead these seminars on self-expression and personal freedom and creativity (PM me if you want more info about that). I was talking to this guy once who had EVERYTHING in his life. Very successful business, great kids, a couple hot cars, big house, prestige, even moderate fame on a local level. "But," he confided to me, "I don't love my wife anymore. What should I do?"
"Love your wife," I said.
"You're not listening to me. I said I don't love her any more. I really want your advice on this."
"I heard you. My advice is: love your wife. Love is a verb. You're waiting for love to fall on your head or something. But there's no such thing as love out there in the world like that. Generating love is your job, unless and until you say it's not."
See, all this stuff we "know" about how relationships go over time... it's total crap. People are either generating love or they're not, and then they get what they get. And that's really and truly the end of the story.