Used car dealers have probably been to small claims court multiple times. I took a business to small claims court once, and when I researched how many times they'd been there, it was impressive. The guy from the business was no amateur at that sort of thing. Fortunately, neither was I, and I won.
Back to your case: The lawyer isn't going to scare them. On the contrary, They know that almost no lawyer is going to take a case for a measly $1500. If it goes to court, it will be in small claims court. It's also by no means assured that you will win, because they will just claim you did the damage. They have "documentation" that it was fine when it left their dealership.
Having a spouse and infant child along, and saying you all almost burned to death in a fiery crash because of the defect would be about all that would help you. That, or as someone else said, a local news crew. An infant child with health problems would be useful there, too. No reason you have to mention that the child isn't necessarily yours. "I need to take little Brandon to his medical appointments, and I'm scared to death of this car."
I have taken the last three vehicles I thought about buying used to a mechanic, and each time, I was very glad I did. All three had expensive problems.
That's the best money you will ever spend.