Originally Posted by hagatha
All I could see was how utterly selfish the woman was---the husband was pretty much so so about the whole thing. She could shroud her "needs" in all the flowery, hippie child bullshit she wanted, what it came down to was MEMEMEMEMEMEMEME.....
I don't need to hear crap from a bunch of hippie freaks living in denial! Screw you guys, I'm going home. E. Cartman
I have a question on that comment. What is wrong with a person wanting to be a little selfish? Everyone has needs and desires. Should someone just give up all the desires they have because they are married? Or should they be able to openly discuss them with the one that they love? I don't see her as being selfish at all. If she was being selfish she would just cheat on him all the time and not disuss things with him, only worrying about HER needs, and not the needs of the marriage. Just my opinion of course, but I would like to see where you get the "memememe" from?