Originally Posted by Martian
I may have misunderstood, I didn't think we were diagnosing for a corporate environment. And for home use, Win 2k works just fine. It's less demanding than XP, so for a slower PC would probably be the better option.
that was an aside more then anything. win2k is a thorn in my side, it's virtually impossible to lock down like winxp.
Originally Posted by Martian
I fail to see why this is necessary. FAT 16 was limited to a 2GiB volume size in most cases, but FAT 32 has an allocation table orders of magnitude larger and can support volume sizes up into the TiB range. I believe Jimellow's issue was with the 4GiB filesize limitation, which would be an issue with exceptionally large files. However, just about any off the shelf archiving program is capable of creating spanned archives these days, which means if the drive is only being used for back-up storage there's a simple work-around.
if you crank the cluster size up, you can make it one partition, but you waste a lot of space, about 16KB per file. f and after a reread of the OP, the 4 GB file size was the issue, not the partition size...