Originally Posted by Walking Shadow
After two years have passed with absolutely no indiscretions whatsoever, and I mean none, as in, you don't even look at a woman the wrong way, then they can apply for reinstatement, which will be gained with said players agreeing to play that season for free. their contracts and any and all endorsement monies will be given to NFL charities.
Yeah, good luck getting that to work with the Players' Union.
Originally Posted by Walking Shadow
Oh, and as for you bears fans, you sicken me and this is coming from someone who loved Walter Payton and who has three Payton throwback jerseys as well as a Dick Butkus throwback.
You sound exactly like those New York Knicks fans who welcomed that douchebag Latrell Sprewell with open arms and made light of the fact that he had tried to murder his coach. It's like as long as he performs well on the court/field, he can do whatever the fuck he wants off of it.
Wow. Pretty much every fan I know has said the same thing, "we're better with him, but he had to go." How the fuck is that being apologetic for him? Seriously? Because we're not ready to put a bullet in him, we're his great defenders? You really need to calm down and reread the posts from Jazz and I. We both said that he had to go, so I can't figure out why you're going off like this.