Originally Posted by willravel
I don't think resisting arrest is a legally defendable right. It is, legally, a crime in and of itself, separate from the reason one is being questioned or followed by the police. I don't agree with it, as it gives the police way too much power, but it is the law. If a cop wants to arrest you for being black, they can. You'll be released, and the police station can easily be sued later, but if you resist that arrest, you're committing a crime.
there are some courts, including the supreme court, that would disagree with you. In fact, Texas law specifically states that lethal force can be used against law enforcement in very specific circumstances. There is alot of this that happens in parts of Illinois, especially just outside chicago, where the police will arrest you 'just because'. As for suing departments for wrongful arrest and other crap, forget it. There are very few courts anymore that will rule against the police in these instances citing bullshit 'public safety'.
The part of your quote that I bolded is part of whats wrong in this country today. People forget that those police are public SERVANTS and not some higher class of people that have been hand chosen to supervise the lowly civilian, namely you. If more people would stop being servile and start acting like actual american citizens, we wouldn't have to deal with this shit.