Anal Sex - Male Desire it - Yes or no
I am very curious to know other male attitudes towards anal sex with women.
Specifically, do you as a normal heterosexual male desire anal sex or not? (I.e. to penetrate a woman)
The reason I ask is because I enjoy anal sex from time to time with a woman. I view it as a bit of a kink, there is something a bit nasty about it, however, I consider it a fairly normal male desire.
A woman that I was recently dating seemed to feel that my desire for anal sex was definitely a minority position among the general male population. She seemed to feel that only a small percentage of men out there desire to penetrate their woman's peach. My position was (and is) that most men at least desire anal sex from time to time to down right live for it.
Hence my totally scientific poll here.
I would like to know how many men on here desire anal sex, and how many don't desire it, and how many are disgusted by it and would never do it.
Women, feel free to pipe in, I'll set up some questions for you too.
Clarification, the poll is set up - male giving, female receiving. Pegging would be another poll - coming soon to a channel near you.
Last edited by james t kirk; 06-24-2007 at 12:47 PM..