I am not likely to lie in either of your examples, analog... I consider the first example an attempt to preserve feelings so it isn't evil to lie about them looking good, BUT I see it as doing more harm than good. If I look like shit, don't SAY "You look like shit" but maybe "Your hair got messed up" or "that shirt isn't very flattering" or something... because if they don't know, they can't fix it. No one likes to feel a fool.
In your second example, I would consider that "wrong" but not "evil". That smacks of pathological lying - lying for the sake of lying. That I definitely wouldn't do.
Come to think of it... I think most lying is wrong, but not "evil". Even when I do it, I think it's wrong... most lying is about avoidance, inability to deal with confrontation, fear of consequences, that sort of thing. (Excepting pathological types of course.) I mean, think about it...
"My dog ate my homework."
"You don't look fat in that dress."
"The trains were messed up and made me late."
"Of course I didn't fuck that hooker."
"No, I don't find your friends attractive!"
Everyone lies about this shit, including me... but I've made a concerted effort over the last few years to avoid even these white lies. They're too easy, and they come to the tongue too quickly. What's the worst that happens if you tell your boss "I'm sorry I'm late - I just couldn't get moving this morning." She's still irritated you're late, but now you're honest at least.
So um, yeah... lying = wrong in my world, but pretty normal human behavior.
My heart knows me better than I know myself, so I'm gonna let it do all the talkin'.