Oh man. I'll share my experience just because I think it's funny. I think I was around 8 or 9 when I first really paid attention to what was going on in my pants every so often, and...I'm not even kidding...I thought it was a super-power I had acquired somehow, and that I was the only one with the gift. Of course, I kept it a secret...Didn't want the word to get out about my super-power. I imagined myself running around dressed like Superman (my hero at the time), getting in some trouble where my arms were tied up behind my back, and I would surprise everyone with Junior reaching out and knocking out the bad guys (at the time I didn't know there was a limit to the growth...I thought I would be able to train and make it longer...Haaaaaahaha...If only
) .
Soon after, to my satisfaction, I figured out how to "control the power". I then completely forgot about knocking out criminals. I acquired other inspirations...
3 years later, there I was, with the TV stuck on the scrambled (porn) channels, while I desperately hoped and dreamed that enough of the screen wouldn't be scrambled so that I could see some damn nipple. Most of my efforts were futile, but every once in a while, the scrambling messed up and most of the channel was shown...Oh, how I savored those moments...Fast forward to 1998, when I discovered the internet. Things have never been the same.
This is going to make for a great (drunken) bar story one day