good choice on the lian li case. I have a rather older lian li aluminum case, and it's still gorgeous (though I now have an Antec 900 that I'm debating moving too for cooling options).
As for the Phys-X card, I'm curious to know how that works out for you. I was itchin' to get one when they were first announced, but decided to wait a bit for the game selection to increase. Sadly, they had "over a hundred" games in the bag for soon-to-be released supporting PhysX when it came out, now well over a year later, very few have materialized and fewer still are even still on board. Granted, the price of the cards has dropped from $300 to $150, but I just don't know, especially since HavocFX middlewear does almost as good of a job without additional hardware. I'd like you to convince me it's worth it I think :-p
The prospect of achieving a peace agreement with the extremist group of MILF is almost impossible...
-- Emmanuel Pinol, Governor of Cotobato
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