Originally Posted by flat5
I'm not a parent.
My mother and I never got along.
I wish my father could have done more of the "parenting".
I had the same experience, but I'll be damned if I'll do the same to my children. Feelings aside, it wasn't right of my mother to assume that my dad was the who was supposed to "teach" me to be a man. Around puberty my mother and I started fighting hardcore(duh) because I felt neglected and un-heard. Even being a single mother, she wasn't aware that it was her job to assume both roles. I can't hold that against her. My father on the other hard, had more of a "let him be" style, but that could've been attributed to my attention whore of a step-mother and their children together. I'll never know. Sometimes I wish things were different, but my reality is my reality. Now that I know things are ok, I don't have to make the same mistakes. Things won't change until we break the cycle.
I'm not a parent myself. Hearing about the segregation on the playground astounded me. Gender roles are what they are, roles. Breaking free and being a person and a parent is something I look forward too.