Today I saw the author of the book "Muzzled: From T-ball to Terrorism-True Stories That Should Be Fiction", Michael Smerconish on T.V.. I don't know who he is and haven't read his book but thought what he had to say was interesting.
He eventually, if briefly, touched on politics and the Iraq war. First though he talked about how political correctness didn't really begin with politics but with "American" culture. His opinion was that those people who have recently as well as those who will be entering the workforce (and the next generation to come) have been so sheltered from hard work, disappointment and criticism that they aren't equiped to deal with real world situations. If you're on the TFP and of those generations than I'd like to think you don't meet his description.
One example he gave was that he happened to be a fairly good athlete when he was in lower education and because of his accomplishments, he has 4 trophies he earned. He was then and is now, proud of them. In comparison, his boys have dozens of tropies or awards between them. Not for winning anything or excelling at anything, but they received them simply for showing up.
His theme was that the bar has been so lowered, so as not to bruise ego's and have everyone on an even playing field, that there is little need for anyone to try to excell. Indeed, it doesn't leave room for anyone to know how to effectively compeat.
I don't know if his idea's are correct but they seem to fit in with the OP about "adult" kids needing to have thier hands held while entering the workforce. In my own observations, it isin't new information that most of the "youngest" adults in our society have been coddled. Stories of "over-protective soccer moms" and entitlement have been around for at least a decade and probably started with the adult yuppies of the "Me" era of the '80's.
I personally had my own experience with this about a week ago. I'm normally at my local grocery about 3 times a week. I've been reading and hearing about "heelies" for a couple of years now and hadn't seen them in action yet (I find it funny that they're all the rage since I had GAS shoe's in the late '70's-early '80's that were the first incarnation of heelies, they're not a new invention).
I am normally very slow and cautious at the end of an isle with my cart in case someone is comming by. No one was and I started to turn into the main isle when a kid came flying in front of me out of nowhere. I reacted faster than the kid could have and stopped my cart (otherwise he would've wiped out with my cart or a display if he'd managed to avoid me). His mother was a couple isles away and by the time he "went around" me she was at my isle and actually had the balls to say "be more careful" to me! I hope nothing else needs to be said about what's so so wrong with that situation. Coddled indeed.
Man, didn't mean to ramble so much, apologies.
'Beware the Jabberwock, my son! The jaws that bite, the claws that catch! Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun, The frumious Bandersnatch!'--Jabberwocky, Lewis Carroll
"You cannot do a kindness too soon because you never know how soon it will be too late."--Ralph Waldo Emerson