Thread: Flight security
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Old 06-14-2007, 07:20 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Flight security

I was wondering if you really think it is worth all the extra trouble the airlines put you through for security purposes. I hate flying on planes for this sole reason, but there's nothing I can do but bend over and take it. Amtrak will be my method of long-distance travel from now on.

I realize why the need for extra security measures have been employed, albeit to some ridiculous measures. So I want to find some raw data on why the change. Obviously 9/11 had a revolutionary. But how many hijackings have occurred IN THE UNITED STATES over the 20 years? I know it was a fairly common terrorist tactic in the 70s, partly because of poor terrorist negotiation policies. But you don't really hear of this happening IN THE UNITED STATES that often. Millions of safe flights have occurred in the same period. Do you think this is an image tactic? Does anyone have actual statistics of the number of reported airplane hijackings IN THE UNITED STATES?

PS, I capitalized United States because I have no desire of flying internationally, as I'm well aware that it's a whole other ballgame security-wise when flying elsewhere. That's a different topic and has a different set of statistics.
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