Lifestyle destruction.
I dunno, maybe I'm not 100% in thinking things through, but outcome be damned.
Basically I've been fairly unhappy with my lifestyle, I eat too much, I settle for entry level jobs and aspire for nothing more, I squander ALL of my free time, every last drop of it, playing video games and waiting for my bedtime. I'm out of shape, and I don't even get along with my friends because they embody everything about me that makes me unhappy, they do the same thing with thier lives.
so with an angel of "Office Space" on one sholder, and "Fight Club" on the other, I just walked out of my job, today I woke up and decided, i'm just going to drive 450 some miles away to Seattle and start over where I don't know anyone, free of my physical comfort zone and housing. Just me, my car, and a pen to start jamming out resume's/applications and a sob story about how bad I want out of Idaho.
so, to anyone else who's had this kind of self destructive revamp, any advice?
I've got about 100$ left, i'm going to be eating dirt for the next week on that kinda budget with the gas prices being what they are, I'll probably start in some food service/tip oriented job to get food in my stomach to start.
ah well. i'm leaving at 3pm, its 8am now. I caught wind of a job fair in seattle tomorrow and I plan on being there.
yay for being so fed up with your life that you make huge crazy changes.