I terminated a lease early (in Alberta) because my brother was moving out and I couldn't afford the place on my own. Wasn't a big deal, we just paid the termination fee and were on our way. I think it was a month's rent or something like that. Actually I didn't pay it, I made my brother because he was the one wanting to move (so kind I know, but he makes a lot more than me). My landlord was really nice about it and gave me a great reference. I think it happens quite a lot. But it could be different as we were already living there for like 8 months of our 12 month lease. And we didn't have any parental co-signers or anything. I was 20 and my brother was 18, so I don't know if those ages are close to yours or mean anything either. Good luck, let us know what happens.
I like things. And stuff. But I prefer to have things over stuff.