It's a fair bit to take in at once as I usually kept to myself and ongoing problems like this just isn't the kind of conversation I would be caught dead engaging in at the coffee table.
I'm not particularily worried about physical harm. Things have been known to happen that causes him to behave threateningly to others, which can escalate into situations that are bad enough that the suggestion of going out just the two of us triggers a strong instinct to avoid this possibility.
Part of my problem is that I have no idea how to behave around him. After days of these calls at random hours of the night. I get another call and it goes something like this..
me: Hello?
him: Hey! How are you doing? You'll never guess what just happened (toilet flushes in the background)
me: I don't know, what's up?
him: You're never going to believe this, but I just met Jim Carrey
me: You're right, I do find that hard to believe
him: Oh, okay. We can talk when you believe me then. *click*
I don't think I handled that very well considering I haven't heard from them since, but it's hard to decide what to say when you're sleepy and dazed. I'm not sure if I should just humor these things or if I should treat him the same as I have before this all started. I wish I understood the purpose of these conversations, I can't tell if he just wants company and it doesn't matter if I just feed into his imagination or if there is something else to it.
Ultimately, I'd like to just be able to carry a normal conversation for 5 minutes. It's disheartening to know things still get worse despite all the hospital time. A coworker has a similar frustration. His brother is ok as long as he takes his medication, but if he forgets even once, he'll convince himself that he's ok without them and it's only a matter of time before it's a trip back to the hospital.