Originally Posted by ShaniFaye
I am well aware of what they teach in sex ed classes as to whether or not a woman can get pregnant when using the withdrawl method. Just like I am aware that women can get pregnant while using condoms, or even pills.
However, read your own quote....
"Pulling out is not a very reliable method for young people because some guys lack the experience and self-control to pull out in time, or they say they will pull out, and then they get so excited and carried away that they don't. Also, some guys can't tell when they are going to ejaculate"
As I said, you need to pull out before you come. I've been doing it for years, so has a friend of mine. It works.
How many men out there have low sperm counts (I know 2) who have sex all the times with their wives and there is no conception. That's low sperm counts, not no sperm counts.
Like so many things in life, people tend to the absolute. Good / Bad, Black / White, whatever. The fact of the matter is that there may be a very very small chance of getting preggers from precome, however, you have better odds of getting stung to death by bees. As such, the word goes out that you should not use withdrawl as birth control. Very simple, it's an absolute and we humans just love our absolutes don't we.
As I said, you have to pull out before you come, not as you are coming. It takes a lot of disciplin.
The man did not come inside his girlfriend. Odds are, she is not pregnant.