As said, schizophrenia is very complex with an enormous variety of different effects, so much so, that each person's schizophrenia is almost unique. People suffering from it are no more likely to be a threat than anyone in the general population, in fact less so. Having said that, some varieties of schizophrenia do cause the sufferer to become dangerous. Sufferers become very socially isolated because of their illness, so I suggest that if you feel for this person maintain the friendship, just don't expect much, don't allow the relationship to progress beyond friendship and find out if he has ever been violent. (Ask his carers). The best predictor of danger is a history of violence. I suspect he wouldn't have the ability to "escape" if he belonged to the dangerous variety, but no legal system is very good.
A common treatment of schizophrenia is ECT and if they are using that on him he will lose huge tracts of his memory and his memory from day to day, but also the drugs can have major effects on his memory.