Nice response lurkette.
I think I was in a very similar position, dfence. I'm 23 now, and I think I've been doing much better the past few years.
My solution was this: It's only a conversation. I thought constantly and rarely spoke. Now I try to just join in and talk without thinking about the correct instance to jump in, or what relevant or interesting thing I could add to the conversation. I've associated it with talking to girls, it's just not as important if you screw up. All conversation is is human interaction. You don't need to be thinking when interacting, only when trying to remember some tidbit that somebody else has brought up and can't think of themselves.
Another way to put that is that your sentences are continuations or direct responses to others' sentences. Therefore you don't need to be thinking about any of your words or concepts, just let whatever comes to your mind first come out of your mouth. The things that come to your mind first will usually be directly related to the previously spoken sentence, e.g. "..happened at the stoplight, really annoying" is followed by "Yes, those types of drivers irritate me too. For example.." or "That or something similar happened.." or "It's too bad intersections don't have X because it would prevent those jerks from acting that way" etc.