my two cents. get the lawyer. i know it sounds like a good idea not to have the lawyer, and don't follow your lawyer blindly. you're a smart lady, don't do anything brash and you'll be able to see through it.
at the same time...if your car is seriously fucked up, do you try to fix it yourself or take it to a mechanic? i take mine to the mechanic. they fix cars all day long. you might get some asshole who'll try to bilk you, so be careful who you get. i'm not sure what i'm signing when i download software on the eulas...i certainly wouldn't want to fuck up a separation agreement and all that...particularly if there is $$$ involved. which there is.
edit: what jazz said...they don't tend to fuck you if you're part of their network. they live on reputation, so when they get a referral via a friend of yours, fucking you over is like poisoning the well. i know it might be embarrassing to have to ask people, but i'd find the most anal doesn't-fuck-around bitch you work with whose been through a divorce and ask her if she had a good lawyer.
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