Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
eh... I never went into the long distance relationship thinking it would fail. I've written about it here many times. I spent all my money, time, energy, social engagements on hold for many years for whatever situations were to be and in the end we were not together.
True, not everyone goes into it thinking it won't work, and yet it still might not pan out. But do you think it was the distance that killed it, or was it something else? I mean, considering that many relationships fail even when two people live very close together, I would think that distance is just one of many strains that can happen to a relationship.
I don't believe in anyone being "meant" for anyone else (e.g. soulmates and other predestined-type crap), but I do think people need to be at the right time and place in their individual lives for things to work out as a couple. You could meet a very compatible partner "too early" in life, and eventually things just aren't gonna work out (distance or whatever else). But if you had met the same person a few years later, at the right time, then maybe nothing could have split you up, even years of long distance. That's where sheer timing & coincidence plays a part in situations like this, I think.