Yeah, pigglet's right, don't listen to the negative opinions on this. My husband and I did 2 years long-distance, and got married at the end of it. We often saw each other every weekend, but sometimes our separation was up to two months (e.g. I was in rural Africa, incommunicado for weeks at a time). We were, and still are, big fans of sending very regular e-mails (we have sent up to 20 in one day, back and forth with telling each other little details and thoughts about our day), though the phone was not one of our strong points. Webcam can be fun, but even that gets old eventually.
Two friends of ours (engaged) have been long-distance, across the Atlantic (one in PA, the other in France) for nearly 3 years, seeing each other every 2-3 months. They have almost gone crazy, but they are hanging in there for about 6 more months. They send e-mails and call each other daily, and talk about all the little things that constitute their days. I think that is really essential, to share those details that you would hear about over dinner at night, or when falling asleep together.
Anything can be survived, if both of you are in the right time and place in your life to sustain such a commitment. If not, it will not last. Hang in there and see what happens... don't go into it thinking, "This isn't gonna work." That's a sure-fire way to cop out early.
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran