wow, you guys get time off for maternity leave? I've never heard of such a thing, I had to work right through my wife's pregnancy and childbirth. I had to quit my job to get to stay home with our son...
What really annoys me about the playground situation is that the dad's are so afraid of being treated as a pedophile, that they don't even make real attempts to talk with the other dads. We do say hi and make very very small talk, but that's it, nothing more. We certainly don't come home with a phone number and play-date for our kids. What makes the situation worse for me personally is that my father is a convicted child molester (read that as evil bastard), and I'm super sensitive about the whole subject. Being treated like I've done something wrong just because I'm a guy gets me a little upset.
"There's someone out there for everyone - even if you need
a pickaxe, a compass, and night goggles to find them."