She cheated! Do I stay or do I go?
Long story short, my wife cheated on me, I found out, we split....perhaps there were reasons for it, I'm not entirely blameless for the situation. She took our little one. She begged for another chance (we were apart nearly a year), I was angry, but still love I did.'s different...I still love her, but am not in love with her, I see her differently...I often wonder if I made a mistake, did I just get back together for our daughter sake? I am wondering now if I should leave and find happiness elsewhere, I don't think I've forgiven her..and I don't know that I will, I work long hours...but now seem to find any excuse to stay out longer, so she'll be asleep when I get in...and to be honest I think she does the same sometimes...I don't know if I'm actually looking for advice or just saying it out loud to the world....