Funny... my dad did more of the cooking, and before I was old enough for school, he didn't work and mom did (she had been the one to stay home for several years and was "done"). So I spent a couple years with LOTS of one-on-one dad time, I think from 3-5 years of age. Plus, they BOTH fixed stuff around the house, and built things, and cooked, and all that. They were both teachers after the AF and thought it'd be fun to have a farm, so we did.
After my dad died, my mom had to work more and my sister, being oldest, did step in the most to take care of me. I think my bro was just too young. But from that point on.. my mom was mom AND dad. She taught me to cook and how to put up drywall and bought me girly clothes and taught me to drive stick shift.
This is what I envision good parenting to be. Wow. After all y'all's comments, I feel pretty damned good about my parents.
I know that should we have kids... Q is not a stereotyped guy. When we watched my nephew for a week alone, I took the time off work because this was MY idea.. but the minute Q got home, he took over entertaining and helping so that I could relax, and always tucked the nephew in. When I cook, he cleans. He's a bit more guy-style-clueless about some of the cleaning things I think are important, but I still think we're pretty equal on the stereotypical roles.
That being said... my brother in law does get the help offers etc and he takes them - I don't think because he can't handle two kids, but because he's a bit lazy about it. And doesn't think of things like... baths every day, etc. Yet I don't think they are living in strictly stereotyped roles...
Bah. I'm blathering.