Originally posted by SecretMethod70
50% of Americans were against the war in Iraq, yet they were allowed to publicly gather and make their views known, even though other people (a whole other 50%!) didn't want to hear it.
hold up there, the first ammendment guarentees us the right to do that that.
remember, the MAIN reason that the bill of rights was written was to prevent majorities from going too far, aka to protect minority view points and opinions.
Contrast that to this - *75%* of Americans believe in a god and a large majority of those are Christian, yet you think that because only *25%* of people don't want to hear it they should be muzzled from being heard in public?
- this is using government property (the school property, the PA system, the stage, and whatever else) to spread word or to communicate a particular religion. this is just what the 1st was supposed to do, prevent govt from ENDORSING religion.
if you wanna have a ceremony in a private place, feel free to do whatever you want, pray as much as you like, none of my business.
but dont use government property to endorse a particular religion