At least I'm not alone. I'm not sure why, but I somehow forgot that what is portrayed on TV tends to be taken as reality. I never thought I would be grouped in with Homer Simpson on my parenting skills.
Now I just have to hope that they were all just following the common perception and don't think that I am incompetent.
Originally Posted by vanblah
Of course, not all women think that men are helpless when it comes to kids. My wife doesn't. How does your wife feel about it?
She noticed the same thing. If she feels the same way, she doesn't let on. We talked about it before she left and she voiced her confidence in my abilities. She was talking to my mom a couple of days before she left and told her that she was making me out to be incompetent. She denied implying that.
My kids are 3 and 1 1/2. They can sometimes be a lot to handle when you are alone. And I will admit, there are things my wife knows that I would probably have to write down to remember. Stuff like what size clothes they wore at each age and the number of teeth they each have or are getting and where they are. However, I don't believe that not knowing things off the top of my head makes me a less qualified parent then my wife.
I don't think it would have bothered me so much had it been one or two people but when both families and the neighbor are making comments, it really makes me wonder what they think of me.