My wife has to take occasional trips out of town on business and I get the same treatment from friends and family.
And yes, it bugs the hell out of me.
You'd think by their comments that I'm confused by every day endeavors such as tying my shoes and making toast.
Granted, I'm in the same boat as f6twister in that I do not take care of her all day, but neither does my wife. Our daughter (who is three) goes to day care most days.
I am an Eagle Scout. I have a college degree. I have a job that involves me fixing computers. I think I can handle watching a three-year-old for a few days.
Besides the above I help take care of her 100% of the time I am home.
What pisses me off the most, is the people who offer the help do not off the same help when my wife could use it. Case in point, two weeks ago I took a road trip with a friend for 7 days. The only person to offer help was the same person who usually watches our daughter during the day.
The point to be learned is that taking care of a child that young by yourself can be a little demanding, so if your going to offer help, do it for both parties. Quit just assuming that the dad is an incompetent fool.
Now, the other side of this will be the experienced wives and mothers on this board that will post stories about how incompetent their other halves really are. When it come to diapers and bottles, you have to leave detailed instructions about which end they go to.
I'm aware there are dads like that out there, but don't judge us all based on a few misogynistic relics that still exist out there.
I reject your reality, and substitute my own
-- Adam Savage