My wife and I seperated for 6 months or so around a decade ago, it is possible to work things out.
I'd plan on 6 months. It will take at least a month to actually get things separated.
Get your finances seperate and in order as soon as possible. This will be a major source of contention.
Keep a running list of what actually leaves the house. It's not really a matter of money, as much as being able to maintain a normal lifestyle. My wife taking a $1.50 measuring cup was no big deal, not being able to finish cooking dinner without one sucked.
A new, unbiased marriage counselor is a reasonable request. I insisted on the same. Your counselor has way too much time invested on just you to be fair.
We needed about a month apart before we had any desire to "date". We did need to talk once a week or so about finances and business.
You can hurry a divorce, but if you are looking to try to salvage a marriage it will take some time to figure out that you'd really prefer to stay together.
Last edited by StanT; 05-10-2007 at 11:15 AM..