The same reason people who don't believe in a god are allowed to continuously remind those that do about their difference in opinion.
I don't want to have to hear people in public whom I don't agree with, yet I do. No skin off my back.
If someone wants to say something in public - be it prayer, protest, whatever - they have every right to do so. That's not even an issue with schools. The only issue with school's and prayer is SCHOOL SANCTIONED prayer. There never has been and never should be any sort of law in place which says it's wrong for students (or anyone else for that matter) to choose to gather, even in a public place, and pray.
50% of Americans were against the war in Iraq, yet they were allowed to publicly gather and make their views known, even though other people (a whole other 50%!) didn't want to hear it.
Contrast that to this - *75%* of Americans believe in a god and a large majority of those are Christian, yet you think that because only *25%* of people don't want to hear it they should be muzzled from being heard in public?
Doesn't make sense to me.
Le temps détruit tout
"Musicians are the carriers and communicators of spirit in the most immediate sense." - Kurt Elling