[QUOTE=analog]... you're playing "ask 20 nosy questions that I have to answer".
I don't think you realize what a tremendous trap this is, especially since it was her idea.
Any topic? All questions fair game? Her idea? I have to go along with Analog's opinion here. Not necessarily the best idea. Think very hard about what she might ask.
I've played it with someone I was getting to know, with the option of saying 'this is too personal at this stage in the game.' They went more along the lines of 'your favorite ice cream', 'how many siblings do you have?' and 'what's your real hair color' (what was he thinking? That I'd really tell him that one?).
If you do want to play, agree that you each have a couple of 'pass' cards or six or ten.
Visit askmen.com and view their questions, and ones to avoid from her. Good luck.
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"Ok, no more truth-or-dare until somebody returns my underwear" ~ George Lopez
I bake cookies just so I can lick the bowl. ~ ItWasMe