So I'm curious what everyone thinks about this. I recently started getting envolved with a friend whom just got out of a relationships. We're both really into sex. We decided to explore a friendship with benefits sort of relationship. We've been going on with this for about a month yet I've noticed that feelings are getting attached from both sides. She actually asked me about that tonight, not jokingly. She was completely serious with a straight face she asked, "you're catching feeling aren't you". I couldn't deny it and said maybe and then later agreed. The problem is I can tell that she's catching these feelings to yet she's trying to deny them. In any normal situation when someone starts catching feelings it is time to break away from it before someone really gets hurt.
My little conundrum is that I don't really know what to do. I realize that it is too early to look for a relationship with her. I don't want to be a rebound. I don't want to just step in and be fun. I quess I'm questioning what I should do with this situation. She keeps denying feelings but I know they are there. She constantly wants to spend time with me and blows my phone up all day long. I noticed shortly after we started sleeping together that she gets increasingly more intimate. She looks to cuddle and enjoy the previous events while spending time together and talking. In any normal FWB situation one party would just leave.
Anyway I'm just curious what people think about this. I'm pretty sure I'm just going to give her time and sit here and enjoy myself and see what the situation leads to.
Fetch me the spirit, the son and the father,
Tell them their pillar of faith has ascended.