If I had to guess I would go with ingrown hair or infected follicle from your description. If it's an ingrown hair, no worries. If it was infected, well depends what it was infected with. If it happened to be that nasty strain of staph (unlikely but possible) yeah, you could be as good as dead in 3 days. You said you popped it several weeks ago, so I seriously doubt it's anything to be missing sleep over. If it was you'd have been in the hospital by now. Although, (as always) I didn't see the thing and I'm not a doctor, so that's all I got. If you keep popping/picking/opening it, rubbing alcohol, burns like hell, but kills all the living stuff.
Something you could try to keep it open, when you lay down to bed, rip the bugger open. Then keep your arm as straight as possible until it scabs up. Or just put a band-aid real snug on it.
The advantage law is the best law in rugby, because it lets you ignore all the others for the good of the game.