I also find this whole skinhead thing laughable. If you want to call yourself a skinhead then go ahead, but like Menoman where I'm from the word the skinhead had very bad connotations. And I still don't understand how you can be a skinhead without having a shaved head

I used to completely shave my head every once in a while, and if anyone had ever called me a skinhead, I would have been fucking pissed.
I wonder how many of you would go up to a black man or a Jew and tell them that you're a skinhead? Working class hero? Give me a fucking break. Why exactly are you proud to be middle class? That's the same as being proud of being from the ghetto. I grew up lower class and moved into middle class in my high school years, but I am not proud of either. What is there to be proud of?
My goal is to better myself in all aspects of my life, including financially. I'll be damned proud if I make it to upper class because that will mean I've been busting my ass and working hard.