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Old 04-16-2007, 02:46 AM   #14 (permalink)
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Location: Northern California
The .45 GAP's design is modern compared to the .45 ACP. The .45 ACP (introduced in 1905) is over 100 years old.

The .45 GAP isn't meant to compete with the .45 ACP - so the +p .45 ACP isn't the issue. I said it's superior in just about every way to the .45 ACP. (c'mon) Remember, you were the one who asked why someone would purchase a .45 GAP.

Look, the GAP was developed in response to the one problem .45 ACP has - and that's the bulk of the grip - especially the double stacked ones. The ballistics are slightly better than the .45 ACP.

Originally Posted by ziadel
p.s. Springfield AFAIK doesnt sell pistols chambered in .45 G.A.P. Just Glock.

"Springfield's new mini .45, called the Defender, is a recoil-operated 1911-type single-action semiautomatic pistol chambered for the compact but powerful .45 GAP cartridge. As such, the new pistol has been scaled down in size. What's really innovative about its design is that it is not just shorter in overall length or merely a tad slimmer in profile. Its internal firing mechanism has been shortened, and consequently its grip frame has been shortened front to back. Rob Leatham, world-class shooter and Springfield spokesman, says the changes amount to about a 1/8- inch shortening (front to back) of the grip frame and the slide."
Here's the full article.

If you look at the Springfield website the XD is also available in .45 GAP.

Here's a blurb from regarding the .45 GAP XD:
"Springfield XD's in 45GAP. The .45 GAP is based on the .45 ACP pistol cartridge, but is shorter--the same overall length as a 9 mm Luger or .40 S&W and uses a small-pistol primer like the 9mm Luger instead of a large-pistol primer like the .45 ACP. The .45 GAP operates at a higher pressure than the .45 ACP (the same as .45 ACP +P) to make up for the smaller chamber volume. The .45 GAP produces ballistics at least equal to the standard .45 ACP loadings but in a significantly shorter cartridge. It was first believed that the traditional .45 ACP loading of a 230-grain bullet at 830 ft/s would not be possible in the .45 GAP, but careful gunpowder selection on the part of ammunition manufacturers has realized that standard. "

Here's a review of the XD Tactical .45 GAP:,,00.html
"In the wake of the success of the competition XD in .45 GAP, Springfield went into production of not only this gun, but also the .45 GAP in the XD LE Tactical model. The balance of the XD 45 LE Tactical is truly superb, making it a professional-grade pistol... With the popularity of the XD Pistol you can expect to see other ammunition makers get on the .45 GAP bandwagon soon. "

You can order the Springfield XD .45 GAP on the link below but you'll have to wait a while since they are backordered.

Ziadel, you've got to break this habit you have about trashing guns and cartridges. Most guns aren't competing against each other. Mossberg owners don't get into barfights with Remington owners. Your stress level will go down and you'll live longer if you take my advice. Trust me - I'm a doctor.

BTW - They just released the HK 10 rd magazines for my .45 USP-C. I'm overjoyed! I'm glad I didn't sell my HK (actually I never sell any of my guns as a rule).
"I do believe that, where there is only a choice between cowardice and violence, I would advise violence. Thus when my eldest son asked me what he should have done, had he been present when I was almost fatally assaulted in 1908, whether he should have run away and seen me killed or whether he should have used his physical force which he could and wanted to use, and defended me, I told him that it was his duty to defend me even by using violence." - Mahatma Ghandi

Last edited by longbough; 04-16-2007 at 04:58 AM..
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